Power of Attorney
This document describes the vocabulary of a Power of Attorney (PoA) certificate. It outlines the delegation of permissions from a CEO to an employee, specifying the rights and responsibilities granted.
Click here to open the JSON-LD file: poa.jsonld
Information Model
In this section, we describe the types and properties of a PoA certificate.
The PowerOfAttorneyCertificate is the top-level type of the PoA Certificate which describes the Power of Attorney.
The PowerOfAttorney type describes the permissions and conditions of the delegation.
Contains the DID of the delegate.
Contains all information regarding the provided permissions to the holder of the credential (e.g. open a bank account
Key | Value |
Term | proxiedPermissions |
URL | https://oid.spherity.com/poa#proxiedPermissions |
Expected Value | string or string[] |